Me in white… for the last time

July 26 2015. “4 years ago, within the four corners of St. Antoninus Parish, I found home. I pledged my commitment in front of the sanctuary. And from that moment, I have found a new source of euphoria. It was beautiful, memorable, a journey worth remembering. One heck of an adventure” -Hanna Patricia Cortes I…

Two Left Feet: The Raes

This song is all about young and how a young girl learned how to deal with it through the advice of her mom. Cute and wholesome lyrics plus great harmony from a mother-daughters band= a real cool jam. This song reminded me of all the childhood crushes I’ve had before. It reminded me those great…


July 25 2015 Saturday. For 4 years, every Saturday, I would get up early to finish all of my homework, finish my chores, and run some errands for my father. At 1 p.m, I’d be on my way to the church for the weekly meeting in our organization: Parish Youth Ministry in which I have…

Love and other chasms

2 years ago, I published my first stories on wattpad which are My Girl Samara and The Flashback. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to finish any of the two because I was too busy. Also, I have already forgotten the password of my first account, HeythereHanna.  My peers encouraged me to make a new account and…

Before it’s all too late

“So I’m gonna love you, like I’m gonna lose you” -Meghan Trainor and John Legend’s Like I’m gonna lose you They say you never really appreciate something, and know its worth until its gone. Have you ever taken someone for granted? Or lost someone you used to ignore then suddenly realize that he/she is actually…

My Top 15 Favorite and mostly played songs

It could be lonely and tragic, romantic, freaky or even weird, these songs are my emotions.  I never let a day pass without  listening to these songs. From the moment that I first heard them until now, I can still feel that they have a very special connection to my thoughts, my feelings and my…

Initial thoughts…………………

Rarechasms would be containing blogs mostly about music, books, movies, stuff I know, stuff that I don’t know, what I feel, anything as long as it’s inspiring enough for me to grab my laptop and write something.