This question came from Bea Tupino (She’s my best friend by the way)

So of course I was expecting mainstream, and common questions. I did get a lot of what makes you Happy, Sad, Cry, or Mad-basically anything that deals with the most common emotions we, humans, feel, and I found most of them quite easy to answer.
What Bea asked me though, was something that took me a short while before I could reply:
What makes you unique?

At first, I thought it was one heck of an impressive question. I was entertained while answering it to be honest, and this is how it went
“my totality; because who I am as whole is what makes me distinct from everyone else”

No, I am not in the Q and A portion of a beauty pageant, but it did feel like being on one.

Initially I was planning to answer one characteristic of mine that could make me distinct, but deep inside it just felt that whatever it is, it wouldn’t be enough. Whenever I try to ask myself “who am I?” I’m always torn between a lot of things, and I couldn’t decide most of the time on which my characteristics, and traits should I define myself with. Does my voice make me unique? Is it the way I Looks? Talents? Flaws? My life story itself? or perhaps, all of it?

A particular scene at the movie, Flipped goes like this:

Juli, the lead character, was watching her dad paint, when he asked her about Bryce, Juli’s love interest. Juli replied with, “nothing, why?” and her dad just smiled and said, “well, it’s just that you talk about him all the time”
Our little gal just smiled and replied “well, maybe it’s his eyes, or his smile…” her father cut her from enumerating all of Bryce’s admirable characteristics and said “Well what about him?” and he continued with what I think, is the most memorable line from the movie

“You have to look at the look at the whole landscape: A cow by itself, is just a cow. A meadow by itself, is just grass, and trees; but put all of it together, and it can be magic”

I cited this scene because it’s what I exactly feel about people as well. One’s eyes, no matter how beautiful they are, and no matter how one would look at it as windows to one’s soul, are just eyes. One’s skin color, no matter how gorgeous it can make someone look would always be in the end, just a skin color- but if one would look at it as a whole, together with the other parts of one’s body, then there you a have it, a wonderful, and beautiful, creation: a human.

Who I am right now is the result of everything that I have gone through in the past, and everything that I was before. All of my victories and downfalls, my assets and imperfections, my strengths and weaknesses, my abilities and disabilities, are all parts of of who I am right now. My passion for writing, music, art, and learning, define what my soul is always hungry of. The way I look, talk, and walk would always be a part of I how choose to present myself to the world. All of these things are what makes me, me; and I, in my totality is something that only I, posses. What makes me stand out is all of the things that I chose to be a part of me.
I believe that a person’s uniqueness is inherent on who he/she is.

You are not unique just because the color of your eyes are different from others, or because the curls of your hair are more defined than others, it’s not even just on your skin alone, or how good you are at what you do- no, what makes you unique is SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT. Who you are is what makes you unique. Look at yourself as someone who is irreplaceable. No one who is as beautiful as you would ever exist again in this world. No one would ever be like you. Every inch of your soul and body is something that only you can claim as something that no one can ever take away from you.

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  1. girlfrom98 says:

    Reblogged this on Rarechasms: Thoughts of a Smouldering, Mad, Mind and commented:

    This is the first time that I wrote something positive about myself so why not Reblog?


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